Free Watch Dogs 2 Update Adds 4-Player Cooperative Party Mode Watch Dogs 2 has no shortage of multiplayer modes, both cooperative and competitive. But next week it's getting another one: a four-player party mode is coming to the game in a free update. Since the game's launch, you've been able to wander around Watch Dog 2 's world with one friend. This party mode is essentially an expansion on that--it lets you play around, complete side activities, and generally just explore with three other people, without any sort of set objective. You can see the mode's trailer below. Producer Kris Young explained that the mode is designed to encourage cooperation, not competition, although you can launch any four-player game type from within the world. "The cops will be there," he said in a blog post. "You could try to take down the Red Zones. Everything that's in the city of San Francisco will be there, so you can immediately have some fun expl...